This Ameraucana chick (pictured above) has become my favorite. Maybe because she looks like an owl and I want to prop wee little spectacles on her beak. Maybe because I’m super excited about the blue eggs she will lay, hopefully by the end of summer. She is easygoing and perches on my hand without any fuss.
We haven’t really named anyone yet— we want to wait until their personalities become more clear. A friend told me when she was a kid, she was not allowed to name a chicken because that meant it couldn’t go away to “Freezer Camp.” Lol, none of ours are packing their mosquito nets for Freezer Camp. They’ll all eventually get names.
I think I’m going to call my Ameraucana Not Ethel, in honor of a friend who has a spunky rebellious alter ego she refers to as Not Ethel. (I think everyone needs an alter ego they can blame when the prospect of moving another kid out of another dorm room makes them curse.)
But we love all these little balls of fuzz. Here are a few pics to make you go awww.
I never would have guessed that chickens can give such pleasure. We are constantly entertained. They’re smart, they’re funny, and when they run towards me, their feathery butts waddling back and forth like church ladies taking charge of a kitchen, I want to toast little muffins just for them. Maybe we will get a goat or two someday. Maybe an alpaca. But no animal will ever delight me as much as a happy hen.