I have an online shop called Finder Not Keeper where I sell vintage objects and art. I shoot everything for the shop in my basement studio. But before I do that, I use the open shelves over my kitchen desk to arrange or style my finds. This process allows me time to consider the way objects play off each other. I am a matchmaker but sometimes the results surprise even me. For example, I really liked this collection of chinoiserie that I paired with gold dinosaurs. But I didn't know why right away. Then one day I walked in with a bag of groceries and it hit me. This vignette represents Godzilla in Tokyo. And since one of my nicknames in middle school was "Mothra", it all makes sense.
In the following photos, you can see how I've developed my own "shelfie style." I almost always include serving pieces, I'm not big into color, and I love adding bits of nature for interest. I'd love to hear which shelfie vignette is your favorite.
Copper cookware reminds me of that adorable late bloomer, Julia Child. I remember touring her kitchen in the Smithsonian, which had pegboards for her pots and utensils. You can read more about Julia here.
That duck terrine holds mini cans of Diet Coke, which I parcel out to myself on Thursday nights when I'm up late writing blog posts. I'm drinking one right now as I type. It is 1:25 a.m. Procrastination is such a curse! (Read more about my lifelong struggles with procrastination here.)
This collection includes several engraved pieces. I have no compunction buying other people's engravings and monograms, which is no different than opening a used book and seeing an inscription to people you don't know. It doesn't make the book less readable. Speaking of reading, click here for the odd story about the "dedicatory bowl" (above) that I found at the estate sale of a surgeon.
I collect Wedgwood black basaltware, which has the most interesting matte finish. See how sharp it looks paired up with a Moroccan tagine? Leave a comment if you have any to sell -- basaltware or tagines!
This is the same shelfie as the preceeding photo. I just added some decor for a killer party, which you can read about here. It was a 50th birthday fete for my next-door neighbor, Stacey, who has suffered greatly living so close to us.
I created this vignette especially for the party we threw our son and daughter-in-law after their elopement. Their second anniversary was this week. (!!) You can peek at photos from that evening here.
Terrines, man, do heavy lifting in many of my shelfie arrangements. They deserve a comeback. Now that marijuana is going legal in so many states, I think people should use terrines for that purpose, like Mildred, the church organist. (Read that tell-all story here.)
This Christmas vignette just might be my favorite. I used a laser cutter to create the words and then I affixed them onto the platter with double-stick tape. Easy peasy but here's the DIY tutorial if you're interested.
These plates came across the border from Mexico. The roosters are American. And everyone is getting along just fine. No wall necessary.
Photos by Renn Kuhnen.