The Bubble Joy

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The First (Hopefully Not Last) April Fools Edition at Finder Not Keeper.

One of the perks of being the boss lady is that I can play an April Fools joke on my site if I want to. Sure, my shop might never be taken seriously as a business. Also, I might offend potential customers. In the end, certain consequences may mean that the joke is on me. 


At this point, my shop is not even one month old. Which means, in business years, Finder Not Keeper is, like, fifteen in human years. It's a teenager in the business world. Which means the shop's hypothalamus is not fully developed. Its judgement is impaired. It has poor control of impulsivity. So the grown-up businesses will roll their eyes while still graciously allowing a mulligan for such tomfoolery. 

As for offending potential customers, at this point, my only customers are my family and friends and I offend them on a regular basis face-to-face. This is just frosting on the delicious cake that is our relationship.

Now that the objections have been overcome, on with the prank. Like all good pranks, this one came about innocently, sneaking into my mind unbidden and unexpected.

I spent the weekend crafting pithy statements of text for the landing page slide show. It's truly hard, especially when the shop's concept is difficult to articulate in speeches with hand gestures, much less short sentences. At one point, I asked for help from a friend who stopped by. He looks like he's fifty-four, but like the shop, he is really fifteen years old. Looking over my shoulder, he made inappropriate jokes about the image of the man holding the sheep. His puns were baa-aa-aad. The seed was planted.

I did craft pithy statements of text. They will be back up April 2nd.  

Oh future unknown customer, if I offend thee, I lament it. Remove thyself in haste. For the rest of you bozos, this is going to be an annual thing. Come back next year for mishapocalypse. 

Thank you for visiting today! Before you sneak away to plan your own clever prank, do remember that we are mere ships passing in the night. And I want to know all about your April Fool's! So please consider subscribing to my blog so we can get to know each other a little better. I post every Friday. It's a five-minute read with fun photos and of course unexpected extras like foolproof April Fool's ideas.  

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